Betting Markets for Event soccer/it-serie-a/7181840


Bet Type Both Teams To Score
Yes YES 110 YES 105 YES 110 YES 105 YES 115 YES 110
No NO -150 NO -139 NO -154 NO -143 NO -150 NO -137
Draw or Away -138 -128 -143 -143 -137
Home or Draw -500 -400 -455 -400 -400
Home or Away -275 -263 -286 -250 -278
Away 5-1 40000 124900
Away 5-0 50000
Away 4-1 10000 24900 9900 10000
Away 4-0 12500 34900 12400 12000
Draw 2-2 1800 1750 1600 1600
Home 3-0 1600 2000 1800 1800
Home 5-0 8000 24900 12400 11000
Home 5-2 20000 44900 12400 17500
Home 2-0 750 825 750 800
Away 1-0 800 800 700 850
Home 6-1 35000 99900
Home 3-1 2000 2100 1600 1800
Draw 0-0 550 520 525 600
Home 6-0 30000 99900
Home 1-0 500 460 450 500
Away 4-3 25000 59900 17500
Away 4-2 12500 29900 12400 12500
Draw 3-3 6600 11900 7900 8000
Home 4-3 15000 34900 12400 15000
Home 4-2 6600 11900 7900 8000
Home 2-1 850 850 750 850
Draw 1-1 500 500 425 500
Away 5-2 50000
Away 3-0 4000 7900 5400 5000
Away 2-0 1800 2200 1800 1800
Away 2-1 1400 1400 1100 1200
Home 5-1 10000 24900 12400 12000
Home 5-3 50000
Home 3-2 4000 4400 3400 3300
Away 3-2 5000 6400 4900 5000
Away 3-1 4000 5400 3400 4000
Draw 4-4 50000
Home 6-2 50000
Home 4-1 4000 6400 4400 5000
Home 4-0 4000 5900 4900 4000
Draw/Away 700 750 625 750
Home/Home 240 230 240 240
Away/Away 550 620 500 550
Draw/Draw 333 295 290 300
Draw/Home 375 385 340 400
Away/Draw 1400 1400 1200 1400
Away/Home 2800 3400 2400 2800
Home/Away 4000 5400 3900 5000
Home/Draw 1400 1400 1200 1400
Over o6.5 5000
Over o5.5 2200
Over o4.5 1000 o4.5 750
Over o3.5 400 o3.5 360
Over o1.5 -200 o1.5 -222
Over o0.5 -900 o0.5 -1111
Under u6.5 -50000
Under u5.5 -8000
Under u4.5 -2000 u4.5 -2500
Under u3.5 -600 u3.5 -625
Under u1.5 162 u1.5 155
Under u0.5 550 u0.5 525
Over o3.5 -163
Under u3.5 120
Over o9.5 -111
Under u9.5 -125
1st Half Yes YES 550
1st Half No NO -900
2nd Half Yes YES 300
2nd Half No NO -450
1st Half Away 2-1 4000
1st Half Draw 0-0 125
1st Half Draw 2-2 8000
1st Half Home 2-1 2800
1st Half Home 1-0 300
1st Half Home 4-1 35000
1st Half Home 3-1 8000
1st Half Away 3-2 35000
1st Half Draw 1-1 800
1st Half Home 3-2 25000
1st Half Away 3-1 12500
1st Half Home 2-0 1100
1st Half Away 4-0 50000
1st Half Away 3-0 8000
1st Half Away 2-0 2200
1st Half Away 1-0 450
1st Half Home 4-0 15000
1st Half Home 3-0 4000
Draw and Yes 375 340 350
Lecce Away and Yes 900 825 650
Genoa Home and No 200 205 205
Lecce Away and No 500 520 450
Draw and No 550 520 500
Genoa Home and Yes 450 400 380
Lecce Alternate Asian Handicap +0.5 -138 +0.5 -128 +0.5 -133
Genoa Alternate Asian Handicap -0.5 107 -0.5 110 -0.5 -100
Lecce Alternate Asian Handicap -0.5 300 -0.5 280
Genoa Alternate Asian Handicap +0.5 -435 +0.5 -455
Lecce Alternate Asian Handicap 0 185 0 160
Genoa Alternate Asian Handicap 0 -250 0 -250
Lecce Alternate Asian Handicap +1.5 -435
Genoa Alternate Asian Handicap -1.5 300
Lecce Alternate Asian Handicap -0.75 450
Genoa Alternate Asian Handicap +0.75 -667
Lecce Alternate Asian Handicap -0.25 245 -0.25 250
Genoa Alternate Asian Handicap +0.25 -334 +0.25 -303
Lecce Alternate Asian Handicap +0.75 -182 +0.75 -175
Genoa Alternate Asian Handicap -0.75 137 -0.75 147
Lecce Alternate Asian Handicap +1 -286 +1 -286 +1 -357
Genoa Alternate Asian Handicap -1 210 -1 235 -1 215
Lecce Alternate Asian Handicap +1.25 -364 +1.25 -357
Genoa Alternate Asian Handicap -1.25 255 -1.25 285
Lecce Alternate Asian Handicap +1.75 -667
Genoa Alternate Asian Handicap -1.75 450
Lecce Alternate Asian Handicap +0.25 107 +0.25 112
Genoa Alternate Asian Handicap -0.25 -138 -0.25 -133


Bet Type Last Goal Scorer
A.Pinamonti Last Goal Scorer 450 385 550 400 450
M.Balotelli Last Goal Scorer 400 450
C.Ekuban Last Goal Scorer 600 600 700 500 550
N.Krstovic Last Goal Scorer 550 670 750 600 600
J.Ekhator Last Goal Scorer 700 610 850 550 650
M.Cornet Last Goal Scorer 750 750 900 600 700
I.Dorgu Last Goal Scorer 600 650
118501 Last Goal Scorer 800 650
J.Messias Last Goal Scorer 700 850 700
S.Pierotti Last Goal Scorer 750 1025 1300 900 1000
R.Malinovskyi Last Goal Scorer 800 875 1200 1000
M.Thorsby Last Goal Scorer 800 1600 1900 1200 1400
T.Morente Last Goal Scorer 1100 1025 1400 900 1100
F.Miretti Last Goal Scorer 1400 1000 2100 900 1400
H.Cuenca Last Goal Scorer 1100 1100 1400 900 1100
P.Masini Last Goal Scorer 1400 1000 1600 900 1200
R.Burnete Last Goal Scorer 1100 1300 900 1000
393987 Last Goal Scorer 900
N.Sansone Last Goal Scorer 1000 1250 1400 1000 1100
A.Rebic Last Goal Scorer 1000 1025 1300 1000
J.Karlsson Last Goal Scorer 1100 1025 1000
M.Badelj Last Goal Scorer 1600 1250 2400 1100 1400
L.Venturino Last Goal Scorer 1100 1250 1200
K.N’Dri Last Goal Scorer 1500 1100
M.Berisha Last Goal Scorer 1200 1300 1900 1100 1400
L.Banda Last Goal Scorer 1200 1300 1600 1100 1200
387431 Last Goal Scorer 1200 1150
276858 Last Goal Scorer 1200
M.Frendrup Last Goal Scorer 1600 1400 2100 1200 1600
A.Zanoli Last Goal Scorer 2200 1500 2900 1200 1800
J.Onana Last Goal Scorer 1600 2100 2900 1800 2000
H.Rafia Last Goal Scorer 1800 2000 2900 1600 1800
F.Marchwinski Last Goal Scorer 1600 1600
L.Kasa Last Goal Scorer 1800 1600 2100 1600
Y.Ramadani Last Goal Scorer 2800 2300 3900 1800 2500
J.Vasquez Last Goal Scorer 1800 2500 3900 2200 2500
B.Pierret Last Goal Scorer 2500 2300 3400 1800 2200
T.Helgason Last Goal Scorer 2000 2300 2900 2000
B.Norton-Cuffy Last Goal Scorer 2000 2500 3900 2200 2500
L.Coulibaly Last Goal Scorer 2800 2800 4400 2200 2800
S.Otoa Last Goal Scorer 2200 4400 3300
K.De Winter Last Goal Scorer 2200 2500 3900 2200 2500
393809 Last Goal Scorer 4000 2500 2200 2800
S.Sabelli Last Goal Scorer 2200 3400 4900 3300 3300
A.Martin Last Goal Scorer 3300 2500 3900
M.Kaba Last Goal Scorer 2500 3100 2500 2800
520269 Last Goal Scorer 2500
A.Matturro Last Goal Scorer 2800 3900 4900 3300 3300
H.Ahanor Last Goal Scorer 2800 2800
F.Guilbert Last Goal Scorer 2800 4900 4900 4000 4000
F.Baschirotto Last Goal Scorer 4000 3900 4900 2800 3300
K.Gaspar Last Goal Scorer 3300 7400 4900 4000
M.Bani Last Goal Scorer 3300 3400 4900 3300 3300
T.Gabriel Last Goal Scorer 3900 3300
C.Pehlivanov Last Goal Scorer 4000
540666 Last Goal Scorer 4000
E.Scott Last Goal Scorer 4000 4000
G.Jean Last Goal Scorer 4000 7400 4900 5000 4000
A.Gallo Last Goal Scorer 5000 4900 4900 4000 4000
393835 Last Goal Scorer 4000
391111 Last Goal Scorer 4000
D.Melo Veiga Last Goal Scorer 4400
M.Sala Last Goal Scorer 10000 4400 4900 5000
431912 Last Goal Scorer 5000
M.Balotelli To Score 2 or More Goals 1100 1200
A.Pinamonti To Score 2 or More Goals 1100 1200
C.Ekuban To Score 2 or More Goals 1400 1400
N.Krstovic To Score 2 or More Goals 1600 1600
118501 To Score 2 or More Goals 1600 1800
J.Ekhator To Score 2 or More Goals 1800 1800
I.Dorgu To Score 2 or More Goals 1800
J.Messias To Score 2 or More Goals 1800 2000
M.Cornet To Score 2 or More Goals 2000 2000
R.Malinovskyi To Score 2 or More Goals 2800 3300
S.Pierotti To Score 2 or More Goals 2800 3300
R.Burnete To Score 2 or More Goals 2800 3300
A.Rebic To Score 2 or More Goals 2800 3300
T.Morente To Score 2 or More Goals 3000 3300
N.Sansone To Score 2 or More Goals 3000 3300
H.Cuenca To Score 2 or More Goals 3300 4000
K.N’Dri To Score 2 or More Goals 3300 4000
J.Karlsson To Score 2 or More Goals 3300
L.Banda To Score 2 or More Goals 3300 4000
M.Thorsby To Score 2 or More Goals 4000 5000
P.Masini To Score 2 or More Goals 4000 5000
M.Berisha To Score 2 or More Goals 4500 5000
M.Frendrup To Score 2 or More Goals 5000 6600
F.Marchwinski To Score 2 or More Goals 5000 6600
L.Kasa To Score 2 or More Goals 5000 6600
F.Miretti To Score 2 or More Goals 5000 6600
L.Venturino To Score 2 or More Goals 5000
M.Badelj To Score 2 or More Goals 5500 6600
A.Zanoli To Score 2 or More Goals 6600 8000
H.Rafia To Score 2 or More Goals 6600 8000
J.Onana To Score 2 or More Goals 7000 8000
T.Helgason To Score 2 or More Goals 7000 8000
B.Pierret To Score 2 or More Goals 7500 8000
H.Ahanor To Score 2 or More Goals 8000 11000
Y.Ramadani To Score 2 or More Goals 8000 9000
K.De Winter To Score 2 or More Goals 8000 10000
M.Kaba To Score 2 or More Goals 8000 10000
J.Vasquez To Score 2 or More Goals 8000 9000
L.Coulibaly To Score 2 or More Goals 8000 10000
D.Melo Veiga To Score 2 or More Goals 8000
A.Martin To Score 2 or More Goals 8000
B.Norton-Cuffy To Score 2 or More Goals 8000 9000
M.Bani To Score 2 or More Goals 9000 15000
A.Matturro To Score 2 or More Goals 9000 11000
S.Sabelli To Score 2 or More Goals 9000 11000
520269 To Score 2 or More Goals 10000
M.Sala To Score 2 or More Goals 10000 27500
A.Gallo To Score 2 or More Goals 10000 22500
F.Guilbert To Score 2 or More Goals 10000 17500
F.Baschirotto To Score 2 or More Goals 10000 12500
G.Jean To Score 2 or More Goals 10000 22500
K.Gaspar To Score 2 or More Goals 10000 20000
393809 To Score 2 or More Goals 11000
S.Otoa To Score 2 or More Goals 15000
E.Scott To Score 2 or More Goals 22500
A.Pinamonti First Goal Scorer 450 385 475 450
M.Balotelli First Goal Scorer 400 475 450
C.Ekuban First Goal Scorer 600 600 600 550
N.Krstovic First Goal Scorer 550 670 650 600
I.Dorgu First Goal Scorer 600 650
J.Ekhator First Goal Scorer 700 610 700 650
118501 First Goal Scorer 700 650
J.Messias First Goal Scorer 700 700 700
M.Cornet First Goal Scorer 750 750 800 700
S.Pierotti First Goal Scorer 750 1025 1100 1000
R.Malinovskyi First Goal Scorer 800 875 1000 1000
M.Thorsby First Goal Scorer 800 1600 1500 1400
N.Sansone First Goal Scorer 1000 1250 1100 1100
A.Rebic First Goal Scorer 1000 1025 1100 1000
F.Miretti First Goal Scorer 1400 1000 1500 1400
R.Burnete First Goal Scorer 1100 1100 1000
J.Karlsson First Goal Scorer 1100 1025 1000
P.Masini First Goal Scorer 1400 1000 1300 1200
T.Morente First Goal Scorer 1100 1025 1100 1100
H.Cuenca First Goal Scorer 1100 1100 1100 1100
K.N’Dri First Goal Scorer 1200 1100
L.Venturino First Goal Scorer 1100 1250 1200
387431 First Goal Scorer 1200 1150
L.Banda First Goal Scorer 1200 1300 1200 1200
M.Berisha First Goal Scorer 1200 1300 1400 1400
M.Badelj First Goal Scorer 1600 1250 1700 1400
M.Frendrup First Goal Scorer 1600 1400 1600 1600
A.Zanoli First Goal Scorer 2200 1500 2100 1800
F.Marchwinski First Goal Scorer 1600 1700 1600
J.Onana First Goal Scorer 1600 2100 2100 2000
L.Kasa First Goal Scorer 1800 1600 1600 1600
H.Rafia First Goal Scorer 1800 2000 2100 1800
J.Vasquez First Goal Scorer 1800 2500 2600 2500
B.Norton-Cuffy First Goal Scorer 2000 2500 2600 2500
T.Helgason First Goal Scorer 2000 2300 2100 2000
K.De Winter First Goal Scorer 2200 2500 2600 2500
S.Otoa First Goal Scorer 2200 4400 3300
S.Sabelli First Goal Scorer 2200 3400 3400 3300
B.Pierret First Goal Scorer 2500 2300 2600 2200
Y.Ramadani First Goal Scorer 2800 2300 2900 2500
M.Kaba First Goal Scorer 2500 3100 2900 2800
393809 First Goal Scorer 4000 2500 2800
A.Martin First Goal Scorer 3300 2500 2600
520269 First Goal Scorer 2500
H.Ahanor First Goal Scorer 2800 2900 2800
F.Guilbert First Goal Scorer 2800 4900 3900 4000
L.Coulibaly First Goal Scorer 2800 2800 2900 2800
A.Matturro First Goal Scorer 2800 3900 3400 3300
D.Melo Veiga First Goal Scorer 2900
F.Baschirotto First Goal Scorer 4000 3900 3900 3300
M.Bani First Goal Scorer 3300 3400 3400 3300
K.Gaspar First Goal Scorer 3300 7400 4900 4000
T.Gabriel First Goal Scorer 3900
E.Scott First Goal Scorer 4000 4000
G.Jean First Goal Scorer 4000 7400 4900 4000
C.Pehlivanov First Goal Scorer 4000
A.Gallo First Goal Scorer 5000 4900 4900 4000
M.Sala First Goal Scorer 10000 4400 4900 5000
A.Pinamonti Anytime Goal Scorer 200 150 185 170 188
M.Balotelli Anytime Goal Scorer 175 190 188
C.Ekuban Anytime Goal Scorer 275 235 230 230 230
N.Krstovic Anytime Goal Scorer 250 260 240 270 250
J.Ekhator Anytime Goal Scorer 333 240 270 240 275
118501 Anytime Goal Scorer 260 275
I.Dorgu Anytime Goal Scorer 275 260
J.Messias Anytime Goal Scorer 333 280 300
M.Cornet Anytime Goal Scorer 350 295 300 280 300
S.Pierotti Anytime Goal Scorer 350 400 400 480 400
R.Malinovskyi Anytime Goal Scorer 375 350 400 400
M.Thorsby Anytime Goal Scorer 375 640 650 650 650
A.Rebic Anytime Goal Scorer 450 400 400 400
J.Karlsson Anytime Goal Scorer 500 400 450
T.Morente Anytime Goal Scorer 500 400 450 480 450
F.Miretti Anytime Goal Scorer 650 400 650 480 700
R.Burnete Anytime Goal Scorer 500 400 480 400
P.Masini Anytime Goal Scorer 650 400 525 480 550
H.Cuenca Anytime Goal Scorer 500 440 450 450 450
N.Sansone Anytime Goal Scorer 450 500 450 550 450
387431 Anytime Goal Scorer 550 450
K.N’Dri Anytime Goal Scorer 475 500
393987 Anytime Goal Scorer 480
L.Banda Anytime Goal Scorer 550 500 500 550 500
L.Venturino Anytime Goal Scorer 500 500 550
M.Badelj Anytime Goal Scorer 750 500 750 600 700
M.Berisha Anytime Goal Scorer 550 500 575 550 600
M.Frendrup Anytime Goal Scorer 750 550 700 650 700
A.Zanoli Anytime Goal Scorer 1100 600 850 750 900
L.Kasa Anytime Goal Scorer 850 640 700 700
276858 Anytime Goal Scorer 650
F.Marchwinski Anytime Goal Scorer 750 700 750
J.Onana Anytime Goal Scorer 750 850 900 1000 900
H.Rafia Anytime Goal Scorer 850 800 850 900 850
J.Vasquez Anytime Goal Scorer 850 1000 1100 1200 1100
T.Helgason Anytime Goal Scorer 1000 900 900 900
Y.Ramadani Anytime Goal Scorer 1400 900 1200 1000 1100
B.Pierret Anytime Goal Scorer 1200 900 1100 1000 1000
B.Norton-Cuffy Anytime Goal Scorer 1000 1000 1100 1200 1100
K.De Winter Anytime Goal Scorer 1100 1000 1100 1200 1200
393809 Anytime Goal Scorer 2000 1000 1200 1400
A.Martin Anytime Goal Scorer 1600 1000 1200
L.Coulibaly Anytime Goal Scorer 1400 1100 1200 1200 1200
S.Sabelli Anytime Goal Scorer 1100 1400 1400 1600 1400
S.Otoa Anytime Goal Scorer 1100 1750 1600
M.Kaba Anytime Goal Scorer 1200 1200 1200 1400 1200
520269 Anytime Goal Scorer 1200
D.Melo Veiga Anytime Goal Scorer 1300
A.Matturro Anytime Goal Scorer 1400 1600 1300 1600 1400
H.Ahanor Anytime Goal Scorer 1400 1300 1400
M.Bani Anytime Goal Scorer 1600 1400 1400 1600 1600
F.Guilbert Anytime Goal Scorer 1400 2000 1700 1800 1800
F.Baschirotto Anytime Goal Scorer 2000 1600 1500 1600 1600
K.Gaspar Anytime Goal Scorer 1600 3100 2100 2000
T.Gabriel Anytime Goal Scorer 1600 1600
M.Sala Anytime Goal Scorer 4000 1800 2400 2500
540666 Anytime Goal Scorer 1800
A.Gallo Anytime Goal Scorer 2200 2000 2100 1800 2200
393835 Anytime Goal Scorer 1800
391111 Anytime Goal Scorer 1800
E.Scott Anytime Goal Scorer 2000 2000
C.Pehlivanov Anytime Goal Scorer 2000
G.Jean Anytime Goal Scorer 2000 3100 2100 2500 2200
431912 Anytime Goal Scorer 2500
H.Rafia First Player Booked 800
M.Kaba First Player Booked 900
A.Rebic First Player Booked 1000
P.Masini First Player Booked 1000
K.De Winter First Player Booked 1000
Y.Ramadani First Player Booked 1100
S.Sabelli First Player Booked 1100
M.Balotelli First Player Booked 1100
R.Malinovskyi First Player Booked 1100
S.Pierotti First Player Booked 1200
L.Coulibaly First Player Booked 1200
M.Bani First Player Booked 1200
H.Ahanor First Player Booked 1200
R.Burnete First Player Booked 1200
A.Gallo First Player Booked 1200
B.Pierret First Player Booked 1200
G.Jean First Player Booked 1200
J.Karlsson First Player Booked 1200
J.Onana First Player Booked 1200
C.Pehlivanov First Player Booked 1200
L.Kasa First Player Booked 1200
L.Banda First Player Booked 1200
J.Vasquez First Player Booked 1200
B.Norton-Cuffy First Player Booked 1400
M.Frendrup First Player Booked 1400
M.Thorsby First Player Booked 1400
N.Sansone First Player Booked 1400
F.Guilbert First Player Booked 1400
T.Morente First Player Booked 1400
387431 First Player Booked 1400
A.Zanoli First Player Booked 1400
A.Martin First Player Booked 1400
K.Gaspar First Player Booked 1400
F.Miretti First Player Booked 1400
H.Cuenca First Player Booked 1400
E.Scott First Player Booked 1400
F.Marchwinski First Player Booked 1400
A.Matturro First Player Booked 1600
F.Baschirotto First Player Booked 1600
J.Messias First Player Booked 1800
M.Berisha First Player Booked 1800
M.Cornet First Player Booked 1800
N.Krstovic First Player Booked 1800
M.Badelj First Player Booked 2000
J.Ekhator First Player Booked 2000
T.Helgason First Player Booked 2000
S.Otoa First Player Booked 2000
C.Fruchtl First Player Booked 2200
J.Samooja First Player Booked 2200
W.Falcone First Player Booked 2200
L.Venturino First Player Booked 2200
103301 First Player Booked 2500
I.Dorgu First Player Booked 2500
D.Sommariva First Player Booked 2500
B.Siegrist First Player Booked 2500
M.Sala First Player Booked 2500
N.Leali First Player Booked 2500
C.Ekuban First Player Booked 2500
A.Pinamonti First Player Booked 2500
J.Samooja First Player Booked 2400
W.Falcone First Player Booked 2400
C.Fruchtl First Player Booked 2400
N.Sansone First Player Booked 1000
M.Kaba First Player Booked 1100
T.Gabriel First Player Booked 1300
F.Baschirotto First Player Booked 1300
393809 First Player Booked 750
M.Sala First Player Booked 1600
K.Gaspar First Player Booked 1100
G.Jean First Player Booked 1900
F.Guilbert First Player Booked 1050
A.Gallo First Player Booked 1900
H.Rafia First Player Booked 825
B.Pierret First Player Booked 725
T.Helgason First Player Booked 1900
L.Coulibaly First Player Booked 1250
A.Rebic First Player Booked 725
S.Pierotti First Player Booked 900
387431 First Player Booked 1600
T.Morente First Player Booked 1100
N.Krstovic First Player Booked 1100
J.Karlsson First Player Booked 1900
L.Banda First Player Booked 850
Y.Ramadani First Player Booked 1025
M.Berisha First Player Booked 1450
D.Sommariva First Player Booked 2400
N.Leali First Player Booked 2400
B.Siegrist First Player Booked 2400
P.Masini First Player Booked 1450
L.Kasa First Player Booked 975
A.Zanoli First Player Booked 1750
S.Sabelli First Player Booked 1050
S.Otoa First Player Booked 1750
B.Norton-Cuffy First Player Booked 1450
A.Matturro First Player Booked 1900
A.Martin First Player Booked 1050
M.Bani First Player Booked 950
M.Thorsby First Player Booked 1050
J.Onana First Player Booked 2000
F.Miretti First Player Booked 1600
M.Frendrup First Player Booked 1300
H.Cuenca First Player Booked 1750
M.Badelj First Player Booked 1250
L.Venturino First Player Booked 1750
A.Pinamonti First Player Booked 1750
J.Ekhator First Player Booked 1900
M.Cornet First Player Booked 1600
C.Ekuban First Player Booked 1900
R.Malinovskyi First Player Booked 900
J.Vasquez First Player Booked 800
K.De Winter First Player Booked 1100
H.Rafia Player Booked 210
M.Kaba Player Booked 240
K.De Winter Player Booked 260
P.Masini Player Booked 260
A.Rebic Player Booked 260
Y.Ramadani Player Booked 275
R.Malinovskyi Player Booked 300
M.Balotelli Player Booked 300
S.Sabelli Player Booked 300
L.Coulibaly Player Booked 333
J.Vasquez Player Booked 333
M.Bani Player Booked 333
J.Karlsson Player Booked 333
C.Pehlivanov Player Booked 333
A.Gallo Player Booked 333
H.Ahanor Player Booked 333
L.Kasa Player Booked 333
G.Jean Player Booked 333
S.Pierotti Player Booked 333
B.Pierret Player Booked 333
J.Onana Player Booked 333
L.Banda Player Booked 333
R.Burnete Player Booked 333
N.Sansone Player Booked 375
F.Miretti Player Booked 375
M.Frendrup Player Booked 375
387431 Player Booked 375
A.Martin Player Booked 375
H.Cuenca Player Booked 375
A.Zanoli Player Booked 375
B.Norton-Cuffy Player Booked 375
M.Thorsby Player Booked 375
E.Scott Player Booked 375
F.Guilbert Player Booked 375
T.Morente Player Booked 375
F.Marchwinski Player Booked 375
K.Gaspar Player Booked 375
A.Matturro Player Booked 450
F.Baschirotto Player Booked 450
M.Berisha Player Booked 500
M.Cornet Player Booked 500
J.Messias Player Booked 500
N.Krstovic Player Booked 500
S.Otoa Player Booked 550
J.Ekhator Player Booked 550
M.Badelj Player Booked 550
T.Helgason Player Booked 550
L.Venturino Player Booked 600
C.Fruchtl Player Booked 600
J.Samooja Player Booked 600
W.Falcone Player Booked 600
B.Siegrist Player Booked 700
D.Sommariva Player Booked 700
N.Leali Player Booked 700
103301 Player Booked 700
C.Ekuban Player Booked 700
A.Pinamonti Player Booked 700
M.Sala Player Booked 700
I.Dorgu Player Booked 700
J.Samooja Player Booked 800
W.Falcone Player Booked 800
C.Fruchtl Player Booked 800
N.Sansone Player Booked 255
M.Kaba Player Booked 300
T.Gabriel Player Booked 370
F.Baschirotto Player Booked 370
393809 Player Booked 172
M.Sala Player Booked 480
K.Gaspar Player Booked 300
G.Jean Player Booked 580
F.Guilbert Player Booked 275
A.Gallo Player Booked 580
H.Rafia Player Booked 192
B.Pierret Player Booked 162
T.Helgason Player Booked 580
L.Coulibaly Player Booked 340
A.Rebic Player Booked 162
S.Pierotti Player Booked 225
387431 Player Booked 480
T.Morente Player Booked 300
N.Krstovic Player Booked 300
J.Karlsson Player Booked 580
L.Banda Player Booked 200
Y.Ramadani Player Booked 265
M.Berisha Player Booked 420
D.Sommariva Player Booked 800
N.Leali Player Booked 800
B.Siegrist Player Booked 800
P.Masini Player Booked 430
L.Kasa Player Booked 245
A.Zanoli Player Booked 530
S.Sabelli Player Booked 280
S.Otoa Player Booked 530
B.Norton-Cuffy Player Booked 430
A.Matturro Player Booked 580
A.Martin Player Booked 280
M.Bani Player Booked 235
M.Thorsby Player Booked 280
J.Onana Player Booked 640
F.Miretti Player Booked 480
M.Frendrup Player Booked 375
H.Cuenca Player Booked 530
M.Badelj Player Booked 355
L.Venturino Player Booked 530
A.Pinamonti Player Booked 530
J.Ekhator Player Booked 580
M.Cornet Player Booked 480
C.Ekuban Player Booked 580
R.Malinovskyi Player Booked 225
J.Vasquez Player Booked 187
K.De Winter Player Booked 300


Bet Type Shots On Target Milestones
T.Morente Shots On Target Milestones 4+ 5900
T.Morente Shots On Target Milestones 3+ 3100
T.Morente Shots On Target Milestones 2+ 800
T.Morente Shots On Target Milestones 1+ 137
L.Coulibaly Shots On Target Milestones 3+ 6400
L.Coulibaly Shots On Target Milestones 2+ 2700
L.Coulibaly Shots On Target Milestones 1+ 335
A.Pinamonti Shots On Target Milestones 5+ 4400
A.Pinamonti Shots On Target Milestones 4+ 1900
A.Pinamonti Shots On Target Milestones 3+ 640
A.Pinamonti Shots On Target Milestones 2+ 182
A.Pinamonti Shots On Target Milestones 1+ -238
M.Thorsby Shots On Target Milestones 4+ 4900
M.Thorsby Shots On Target Milestones 3+ 1900
M.Thorsby Shots On Target Milestones 2+ 480
M.Thorsby Shots On Target Milestones 1+ -108
A.Zanoli Shots On Target Milestones 3+ 5400
A.Zanoli Shots On Target Milestones 2+ 1900
A.Zanoli Shots On Target Milestones 1+ 265
A.Gallo Shots On Target Milestones 3+ 6400
A.Gallo Shots On Target Milestones 2+ 3400
A.Gallo Shots On Target Milestones 1+ 400
T.Helgason Shots On Target Milestones 3+ 5400
T.Helgason Shots On Target Milestones 2+ 1900
T.Helgason Shots On Target Milestones 1+ 265
K.De Winter Shots On Target Milestones 3+ 5400
K.De Winter Shots On Target Milestones 2+ 1900
K.De Winter Shots On Target Milestones 1+ 265
J.Vasquez Shots On Target Milestones 3+ 4400
J.Vasquez Shots On Target Milestones 2+ 1150
J.Vasquez Shots On Target Milestones 1+ 182
F.Baschirotto Shots On Target Milestones 3+ 6400
F.Baschirotto Shots On Target Milestones 2+ 3400
F.Baschirotto Shots On Target Milestones 1+ 400
F.Miretti Shots On Target Milestones 4+ 5400
F.Miretti Shots On Target Milestones 3+ 2500
F.Miretti Shots On Target Milestones 2+ 630
F.Miretti Shots On Target Milestones 1+ 115
Y.Ramadani Shots On Target Milestones 3+ 5400
Y.Ramadani Shots On Target Milestones 2+ 1900
Y.Ramadani Shots On Target Milestones 1+ 265
M.Badelj Shots On Target Milestones 3+ 4400
M.Badelj Shots On Target Milestones 2+ 1150
M.Badelj Shots On Target Milestones 1+ 182
M.Bani Shots On Target Milestones 3+ 6400
M.Bani Shots On Target Milestones 2+ 2700
M.Bani Shots On Target Milestones 1+ 335
M.Frendrup Shots On Target Milestones 3+ 4400
M.Frendrup Shots On Target Milestones 2+ 1150
M.Frendrup Shots On Target Milestones 1+ 182
S.Sabelli Shots On Target Milestones 3+ 5400
S.Sabelli Shots On Target Milestones 2+ 1900
S.Sabelli Shots On Target Milestones 1+ 265
J.Karlsson Shots On Target Milestones 4+ 5400
J.Karlsson Shots On Target Milestones 3+ 2500
J.Karlsson Shots On Target Milestones 2+ 630
J.Karlsson Shots On Target Milestones 1+ 115
S.Pierotti Shots On Target Milestones 5+ 5900
S.Pierotti Shots On Target Milestones 4+ 3400
S.Pierotti Shots On Target Milestones 3+ 1150
S.Pierotti Shots On Target Milestones 2+ 310
S.Pierotti Shots On Target Milestones 1+ -154
P.Masini Shots On Target Milestones 3+ 4400
P.Masini Shots On Target Milestones 2+ 1150
P.Masini Shots On Target Milestones 1+ 182
N.Krstovic Shots On Target Milestones 5+ 5400
N.Krstovic Shots On Target Milestones 4+ 2800
N.Krstovic Shots On Target Milestones 3+ 925
N.Krstovic Shots On Target Milestones 2+ 255
N.Krstovic Shots On Target Milestones 1+ -182
B.Pierret Shots On Target Milestones 3+ 6400
B.Pierret Shots On Target Milestones 2+ 3400
B.Pierret Shots On Target Milestones 1+ 400
G.Jean Shots On Target Milestones 2+ 4400
G.Jean Shots On Target Milestones 1+ 490
F.Guilbert Shots On Target Milestones 3+ 6400
F.Guilbert Shots On Target Milestones 2+ 2700
F.Guilbert Shots On Target Milestones 1+ 335
A.Martin Shots On Target Milestones 3+ 5400
A.Martin Shots On Target Milestones 2+ 1900
A.Martin Shots On Target Milestones 1+ 265
T.Morente Tackles Milestones 5+ 1850
T.Morente Tackles Milestones 4+ 630
T.Morente Tackles Milestones 3+ 225
T.Morente Tackles Milestones 2+ -133
T.Morente Tackles Milestones 1+ -556
L.Coulibaly Tackles Milestones 5+ 2300
L.Coulibaly Tackles Milestones 4+ 750
L.Coulibaly Tackles Milestones 3+ 260
L.Coulibaly Tackles Milestones 2+ -118
L.Coulibaly Tackles Milestones 1+ -500
A.Pinamonti Tackles Milestones 5+ 24900
A.Pinamonti Tackles Milestones 4+ 4900
A.Pinamonti Tackles Milestones 3+ 1150
A.Pinamonti Tackles Milestones 2+ 275
A.Pinamonti Tackles Milestones 1+ -161
M.Thorsby Tackles Milestones 5+ 1400
M.Thorsby Tackles Milestones 4+ 500
M.Thorsby Tackles Milestones 3+ 185
M.Thorsby Tackles Milestones 2+ -161
M.Thorsby Tackles Milestones 1+ -667
A.Zanoli Tackles Milestones 5+ 4900
A.Zanoli Tackles Milestones 4+ 1350
A.Zanoli Tackles Milestones 3+ 420
A.Zanoli Tackles Milestones 2+ 127
A.Zanoli Tackles Milestones 1+ -333
A.Gallo Tackles Milestones 6+ 2200
A.Gallo Tackles Milestones 5+ 825
A.Gallo Tackles Milestones 4+ 325
A.Gallo Tackles Milestones 3+ 125
A.Gallo Tackles Milestones 2+ -227
A.Gallo Tackles Milestones 1+ -1000
T.Helgason Tackles Milestones 5+ 17400
T.Helgason Tackles Milestones 4+ 3600
T.Helgason Tackles Milestones 3+ 900
T.Helgason Tackles Milestones 2+ 230
T.Helgason Tackles Milestones 1+ -192
K.De Winter Tackles Milestones 5+ 4900
K.De Winter Tackles Milestones 4+ 1350
K.De Winter Tackles Milestones 3+ 420
K.De Winter Tackles Milestones 2+ 130
K.De Winter Tackles Milestones 1+ -333
J.Vasquez Tackles Milestones 5+ 7400
J.Vasquez Tackles Milestones 4+ 1900
J.Vasquez Tackles Milestones 3+ 560
J.Vasquez Tackles Milestones 2+ 160
J.Vasquez Tackles Milestones 1+ -270
F.Baschirotto Tackles Milestones 5+ 17400
F.Baschirotto Tackles Milestones 4+ 3600
F.Baschirotto Tackles Milestones 3+ 900
F.Baschirotto Tackles Milestones 2+ 230
F.Baschirotto Tackles Milestones 1+ -192
F.Miretti Tackles Milestones 5+ 1450
F.Miretti Tackles Milestones 4+ 520
F.Miretti Tackles Milestones 3+ 190
F.Miretti Tackles Milestones 2+ -154
F.Miretti Tackles Milestones 1+ -667
Y.Ramadani Tackles Milestones 5+ 1400
Y.Ramadani Tackles Milestones 4+ 510
Y.Ramadani Tackles Milestones 3+ 187
Y.Ramadani Tackles Milestones 2+ -161
Y.Ramadani Tackles Milestones 1+ -667
M.Badelj Tackles Milestones 5+ 2000
M.Badelj Tackles Milestones 4+ 660
M.Badelj Tackles Milestones 3+ 235
M.Badelj Tackles Milestones 2+ -128
M.Badelj Tackles Milestones 1+ -556
M.Bani Tackles Milestones 5+ 10900
M.Bani Tackles Milestones 4+ 2500
M.Bani Tackles Milestones 3+ 680
M.Bani Tackles Milestones 2+ 187
M.Bani Tackles Milestones 1+ -227
M.Frendrup Tackles Milestones 7+ 1100
M.Frendrup Tackles Milestones 6+ 500
M.Frendrup Tackles Milestones 5+ 230
M.Frendrup Tackles Milestones 4+ 105
M.Frendrup Tackles Milestones 3+ -227
S.Sabelli Tackles Milestones 6+ 1850
S.Sabelli Tackles Milestones 5+ 700
S.Sabelli Tackles Milestones 4+ 285
S.Sabelli Tackles Milestones 3+ 112
S.Sabelli Tackles Milestones 2+ -256
J.Karlsson Tackles Milestones 5+ 9900
J.Karlsson Tackles Milestones 4+ 2400
J.Karlsson Tackles Milestones 3+ 660
J.Karlsson Tackles Milestones 2+ 185
J.Karlsson Tackles Milestones 1+ -238
S.Pierotti Tackles Milestones 5+ 7400
S.Pierotti Tackles Milestones 4+ 1900
S.Pierotti Tackles Milestones 3+ 560
S.Pierotti Tackles Milestones 2+ 160
S.Pierotti Tackles Milestones 1+ -270
P.Masini Tackles Milestones 7+ 850
P.Masini Tackles Milestones 6+ 400
P.Masini Tackles Milestones 5+ 187
P.Masini Tackles Milestones 4+ -118
P.Masini Tackles Milestones 3+ -278
N.Krstovic Tackles Milestones 5+ 9900
N.Krstovic Tackles Milestones 4+ 2400
N.Krstovic Tackles Milestones 3+ 660
N.Krstovic Tackles Milestones 2+ 185
N.Krstovic Tackles Milestones 1+ -238
B.Pierret Tackles Milestones 6+ 2200
B.Pierret Tackles Milestones 5+ 825
B.Pierret Tackles Milestones 4+ 325
B.Pierret Tackles Milestones 3+ 125
B.Pierret Tackles Milestones 2+ -227
B.Pierret Tackles Milestones 1+ -1000
G.Jean Tackles Milestones 5+ 9900
G.Jean Tackles Milestones 4+ 2400
G.Jean Tackles Milestones 3+ 660
G.Jean Tackles Milestones 2+ 185
G.Jean Tackles Milestones 1+ -238
F.Guilbert Tackles Milestones 6+ 1075
F.Guilbert Tackles Milestones 5+ 450
F.Guilbert Tackles Milestones 4+ 192
F.Guilbert Tackles Milestones 3+ -128
F.Guilbert Tackles Milestones 2+ -370
A.Martin Tackles Milestones 6+ 2600
A.Martin Tackles Milestones 5+ 950
A.Martin Tackles Milestones 4+ 365
A.Martin Tackles Milestones 3+ 137
A.Martin Tackles Milestones 2+ -213
A.Martin Tackles Milestones 1+ -909
W.Falcone Goalkeeper Saves Milestones 6+ 1025
W.Falcone Goalkeeper Saves Milestones 5+ 430
W.Falcone Goalkeeper Saves Milestones 4+ 182
W.Falcone Goalkeeper Saves Milestones 3+ -133
W.Falcone Goalkeeper Saves Milestones 2+ -385
N.Leali Goalkeeper Saves Milestones 6+ 2800
N.Leali Goalkeeper Saves Milestones 5+ 1025
N.Leali Goalkeeper Saves Milestones 4+ 390
N.Leali Goalkeeper Saves Milestones 3+ 150
N.Leali Goalkeeper Saves Milestones 2+ -200
N.Leali Goalkeeper Saves Milestones 1+ -833
